About Us

The Ewes form one of the most important ethnic groups in West Africa with a population of several millions. On Eweland, few works do exist including some recent treatise on Ewe history but a comprehensive and multi disciplinary account of Eweland, stretching from the the Volta basin to the Mono, is still lacking. The cultural heritage of the Ewes needs to be documented to add to our knoweldge of the people of West Africa. A detailed academic study would enrich as well as promote a better understanding of the cultural pracitices of the Ewes.

On 31st October 1993, a group of sponsors and scholars formed the Organisation for Research on Eweland, ORE for short, as a non-profit making organisation devoted to conducting research in Eweland and publishing its findings. The organisation would research and publish studies on eweland in monographs, articles and many more. The aim of the ORE is to initiate and execute a major project known as studies on Eweland series.

The ORE was under the leadership of Emeritus Professor D.E.K. Amenumey who recently passed on. Membership is open to scholars interested in contributing to the organisations projects through research and writing. Some of the projects it has embarked upon are below;


For general enquiries, research, sponsorship and mentorship for students, kindly send a mail to gh.office@ewelandresearchers.org.